Route 66

I decided to drive Route 66 the night my kneecap popped off in the bathroom of the lodge at Camp Wesley Woods. Driving home in the wee hours after a trip to the emergency room, staying awake by rolling the windows down to let in the brisk October air, the delirium of the pain, the oldies on the radio...that's when I officially announced, "I'm going to drive Route 66." I am lucky to have three wonderful, adventurous, history geek friends who are ready to hit the road with me.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Mile 1139 - Need a picture of the midpoint of Route 66?

Thank you to hightek irish lass for explaining the mystery of Mile 1139 to me! If you need a picture of the half-way point of Route 66, please go here.

After reading her comment below, I'm starting to think that we didn't have our identities stolen by those guys in Arizona, and perhaps the video they shot of us was for real! So if anyone else stops by who happens to be doing this contest, let me know if there's an accompanying video that includes any of the four women you see in that half-way point picture!

(To read about that adventure, go here)

Edited to add: Found this one, too! (Yeah, we're publicity whores, what can we say?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Marlboro Outwit The West Million Dollar Prize has a pun regarding the 1/2 way point. Thats probably why you have so many readers. I love y'r site btw. Hope you had a great time! I'm on my way out there soon myself. My daughter lives there. Take Care!

6:07 AM  

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